Bullying Meaning in Urdu

 The Word Bully or Bullying meaning in Urdu is Laraka. Bullying is A English Word which means is Seek to Harm, intimidate or Coerce. You can find all details about word Bullied or Bullying meaning in English or Urdu from English to Urdu Dictionary.

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Bullying Meaning in Urdu

Word MeaningSeek to Harm, Intimidate, Coerce
Meaning in UrduThe meaning of Bullying in Urdu is غنڈہ گردی
Definition of BullyingThe Word can be defined As misuse of power in relationship to harm next person through repeated verbal, physical or social beahviour.
Origin of BullyingThe word used first time in 1530s meaning is sweat heart

What is the Meaning of Bully in Urdu?

The Meaning of Bully in Urdu and English is A cruel and brutal fellow. بدمعاش بد اخلاق شخص بے رحم ساتھی

What does bullying mean in Vocabulary?

Bullied, Bullying is Transitive Word To Treat Some is Cruel, Threating, Insulting or aggressive fashion.

What is the Meaning of Bully?

someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often period of A time, and forcing them to do something.

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